About Me

This page is meant to be an informal introduction of who I am. I am currently an undergraduate student at IIT Bombay doing a B.Tech in Engineering Physics with Honors in Physics and Minor in Computer Science and Engineering. I am an avid math and physics enthusiast and was the Manager of the Math and Physics Club, IIT Bombay during 2021-22. I was also the moderator for the Quantum Computing Workshop that was held by the MnP club in August 2020, and was involved in carrying out the interactive sessions and designing the modules for the worskhop.

My music

I am an avid music listener and play the keyboard and produce music. I am currently working on a four act concept album whenever I do get free time and I hope to finish it before I graduate from IIT Bombay. While my music is primarily electronic I draw some influences from jazz and video game soundtracks quite often. If you are interested in my work here are the two songs I released as part of the Institute Cultural Summer Project under Symphony, IIT Bombay on Spotify. Do checkout the whole song if you like it :)